I am seriously bad at posting regularly.. maybe i should just give it up. Should I?
Okay, so, I've been off from school all this week for Thanksgiving. It's really nice. Staying up late, sleeping in...It's great!
Yesterday afternoon, Katie and I went shopping. We went to a little strip of stores here in Smyrna. We had a good time C:
Afterwards, I stayed the night with her. This morning she had a doctor's appt. so we had to get up fairly early for that. Now, her and I are back at her house. Her grandmother, who is in town for Thanksgiving, is taking us to Goodwill shortly. I LOVE Goodwill. It's cheap, and has cute clothing!
Not quite sure what the plan is after that. Might be going home, might come back here.
Can you guys believe it's that time of year again? Man, before we know it, Christmas will be here! I wonder if it will snow this year any this year..? It snowed just a little bit one night at my house, but it was practically all melted by morning.
I have already made out my Christmas list for my family C: What do you guys want for Christmas?
Mkay, well i'm finished C:
All I want for christmas is my two front teeth. :P
No, don't stop. I look forward to your random posts. Why do you have a bunch of C:s through out your post?
They are smileys...just backwards from what the "normal" smileys are.
Haha I asked the same thing emily.
backwards smileys...haha, that's totall you, keeping us guessin mo. love you chica
You need to post again! :)
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