Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Sunday

To start the day off.. we had a wonderful church service! Brother Bobby preached a very good message. 

Each year I normally get a new outfit for Easter Sunday.  Easter seemed to come so fast, I never really thought about going shopping to get I ended up not getting a new outfit. Pretty sad, I know!

After church, I came home and picked up my room a little bit before my family came over.  They arrived at my house at about 2. 
At around 4:30, some of us went down the street to check out Tommy and Debbies new place.  It's really nice!  

THEN, Chandler and I went to the park to meet up with some of the youth to play basketball.

I've had a busy day!
I love having things to do, though! I'm all about places to go, and people to see!

After a packed day, I'm now chillin on the couch with one of my chocolate bunnies.  The poor thing doesn't know what's about to happen. HA!


Tam said...

Poor little chocolate bunny is now earless...LOL

Erika J. said...

haha! kailee likes to eat the eyeballs. warped child. i don't know where she gets it. heh heh.

Kasey said...

haha. youre so funny. Poor bunny.