Thursday, April 23, 2009

Youth Emphasis week started Wednesday night and is going through Saturday.  It has been going GREAT!  DonDon did the devotion last night, and my dad did the devotion tonight.  So far, the two topics have been "Treasure" and "Unity".  Saturday, the youth is going on a hiking trip.

I want to work on learning some songs on piano tonight.  I love learning songs on piano.  I have super long fingers, so I'm definitely able to play.  When I was born, my mom saw how long my fingers were and said "she's going to be a piano player!" 
Actually, I took lessons for a little while.  But I decided I didn't like going to the class.  Don't get me wrong, I love piano... But I like learning it on my own.
I want a "teach yourself piano" book.  Mom? *hint hint* ;) 

Well, I'm done for now.